September 10, 2002

yummy dinner and other cool things

I just made the most delicious summer dinner. Appetizers were apples and cheese and, for me, olives. Salad was spinach with pine nuts and vinaigrette dressing. Dinner-dinner was ceviche, which is yummy fish marinated for a long time in lime juice so that it tastes cooked even though it's not. Thingie-to-eat-with-dinner was corn-on-the-cob (ed. note -- it is well worth waiting to the very end of the growing season to buy fresh corn!). Dessert was strawberry shortcake, with fluffy biscuity cakes holding up the strawberries. It is so hot today that the ice in our water melted within a minute, so cold food was definitely the right choice. Yum.

Also, I taught the cat to whisper. How cool am I?

(If you forgot to enter the "Name that Cat" contest, here's your chance, gentle reader. Let's hear it: how cool _am_ I?)

Posted by Meredith at September 10, 2002 08:02 PM
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