January 25, 2004

Mac OS X adoption rates

You hear a lot from Apple these days about how great the OS X adoption rates have been. At Macworld Expo this month, Steve Jobs went as far as to announce that, "the transition [to OS X] is officially over."

And certainly this is true with the people I know. I can think of just one person offhand that I know is still running an older version of MacOS — and that's on an iMac that his (little) kids use.

So I'm always surprised, then, whenever I look at the web logs for mohea.com — consistently, Mac OS 9 and earlier versions account for 30-50% more hits than Mac OS X. If anything, I would expect the numbers to be skewed even more heavily towards OS X on my site, since every Mac user I personally know that's accessing this site on a regular basis (a list that includes Meredith) is using OS X.

So — who knows. It's obviously silly to draw conclusions on OS adoption rates based on the statistics of one seldom-visited site, but it's a little curious nonetheless.

Posted by Mike at January 25, 2004 09:08 PM

I wonder how much of this is people sitting in a browser in classic. I'm always startled when i show people things they don't have to run in classic - they're just comfortable there.

Posted by: meriko borogove on January 26, 2004 08:33 AM

Interesting point -- I hadn't even thought of that (probably because when I was using OS X, I hated having to launch Classic almost more than anything ;) ). That might explain a lot of it.

Posted by: Mike on January 26, 2004 08:38 AM

Yeah, me too. HATE HATE HATE running classic. I can't remember the last time i launched it, honestly.

Which is why i'm always so surprised to see people using it. Most recently, i caught an artist friend of mine bitching about NCSA telnet crashing hard all the time in Classic. She almost fell over when i introduced her to terminal. ;)

Posted by: meriko borogove on January 26, 2004 12:56 PM