March 27, 2004

Volunteering to be a lump

Last week, I announced to the Staff-Parish Relations Committee that I chair at church that I was going to be stepping down at the end of June, both as chair (which I always said I would do then) and as a committee member at all (which I wasn't supposed to do until June 2005).

There are a lot of reasons for it. One is that by June, I'll have been on SPRC for 5 1/2 years. That's longer than I've been married. I've only lived out here for nine years. So, basically: I'm burned out.

A friend at church asked me what I was going to do next. I replied that I intended to be a lump in a pew. He assures me that I won't like it -- that I'll need to be doing something. I'm willing to take that risk ;)

Posted by Mike at March 27, 2004 06:49 PM

Congratulations Mike!

I think you've coined the phrase of a new generation.

A quick Google search yields ZERO results for "A lump in a pew"!

Get yourself to the trademark office ASAP!! The licensing income from t-shirts alone could be staggering!!!

I'm impressed!!!!

Aloha Al

Posted by: Just Al on March 28, 2004 08:23 AM