Nathan and I were driving back from the store last night when the radio played a commercial from the US Department of Health and Human Services on 'hey, be a Dad.' The commercial had some woman talking to her Dad about how great the sandwiches were that he made when she was a kid, when he cut them into four pieces, and cut all the crusts off, blah, blah, blah... "You never know what they'll remember. Call [some 800 number] or go to".
About sixty seconds later, Nathan says, "I guess you should be doing that."
Me, having already forgotten this commercial: "What?"
N: "Since it said it was for fathers. And you're a father."
Me, remembering: "Ahh... so what did they say on there that you think I should be doing?"
N: "Well ... he cut the sandwich into four pieces for his kid. You could do that for me. Or... [warming to his topic] you could cut up a tortilla into four pieces for me. That'd be great."
Nathan is always listening.